
No próximo dia 19 de julho de 2021, Dr. Nelson Eizirik participará do evento online "Paridad de Género en los Órganos de Administración de las Personas Jurídicas  Privadas - Mujeres y LGTBIQ+ Recomendaciones, acciones positivas y normas imperativas". Esse encontro será promovido pela UMSA - Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas), no horário das 10h às 13h (Arg.). Mais informações no flyer do evento.

In the year Nelson Eizirik turned 70, countless lawyers gathered to write articles about corporate law, capital markets and arbitration. As a result, Quartier Latin launched the book "Corporate Law, Capital Markets, Arbitration and other topics - Homage to Nelson Eizirik", under the coordination of Rodrigo Rocha Monteiro de Castro, Luis André Azevedo and Marcus de Freitas Henriques.

Nelson Eizirik will give the closing lecture on “New Trends in Corporate Law” at the Business Law Congress in Curitiba, on September 21st, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.